The Neil Avenue median islands are a streetscape beautification effort reinforcing the pride residents feel about where they live and making a statement people care about their neighborhood.

Neil Avenue planted median islands are part of the Short North Civic Association’s (SNCA) commitment to the beautification of the Short North. Containing an array of plants and flowers specially selected for each planter location, the islands greet drivers, residents and visitors as they walk, bike, or drive down Neil Avenue. The SNCA care program includes plantings between Mother’s Day and Memorial day, continual watering and maintenance throughout the summer season, and into the fall, just prior to the SNCA’s annual Tour of Homes & Gardens.

Neil Avenue planted median islands representing the pride residents have for their beautiful neighborhood and are maintained by a team of dedicated volunteers living nearby. Next time you drive down Neil and admire the plantings, please consider supporting this street beautification project by making a donation!